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With Custon's, replacing buttons becomes child's play

Buttons that attach in the blink of an eye and seamlessly to your clothes and accessories thanks to an ingenious system.

As they are removable, you can change them as often as you want!

With Custon's you choose!

Until now buttons were simple accessories that we wanted to hide or at best that we didn't even look at anymore. Thanks to Custon's new concept,
you will be proud to display buttons with current looks that suit you.

Ease of use

Trending designs

Unique design

Quick and easy installation

1. Remove the original button.

2. Stitch the garment using an awl (approximately 2 mm diameter).

3. Thread the tip through the sting.

4. Fix the Custon's on the tip with the tweezers.

5. Your Custon's is in place!

Once the tip is in place, you do not need to remove it to change Custon's. Unclip the Custon's to be replaced with your tweezers and clip the new model in place, in a few seconds your garment has a new look!

Votre imagination est la seule limite

Avec Custon's, il n'a jamais été aussi facile de remplacer les boutons de vos vestes, gilets et jupes ! Vous pouvez aussi ajouter des Custon's à vos vêtements sans boutons ou customiser vos sacs, casquettes et chaussures, simplement pour leur apporter une touche d'originalité. Laissez parler votre imagination !


It is not recommended to remove your Custon's to wash your clothes in the machine (except for products from the Pierres Fines range, which do not support detergents and, for some, water). They are machine washable at 30°C, at 800 rpm, like ordinary buttons. Just be sure to wash your clothes inside out, preferably in a net, to avoid scratching your buttons and keep them for a long time.

However, if you need to remove your Custon's to clean your clothes (if your Custon's are made of fine stone or in the case of dry cleaning), we recommend that you leave the tips in your garment and cover them with the silicone protective tips provided, so as not to risk catching the fibers.

If you need to clean your fine stone Custon's, rub them gently with a soft, clean cloth without using water or any other product. Other Custon's can withstand water and detergent.


All our buttons are made of a resistant metal: zamak. It is a zinc-based alloy, to which aluminum, magnesium and copper are bonded. It takes its name from the acronym in German of each element used in its composition: Zink, Aluminum, Magnesium and Kupfer (copper).
The internal mechanism is made of stainless steel and the back is made of ABS plastic, which is non-toxic, strong and recyclable. Depending on the models, other materials are also used: natural mother-of-pearl, glass (for the rhinestones), colored enamels and wood.

Currently, all models have a single size: their diameter is 21 mm and their height varies between 4 and 5 mm. This is a standard size, used for most jackets, but Custon's can also be attached to coats, pants, skirts, etc...

Make sure the Custon's size fits your buttonhole. Keep in mind that it should be able to pull through easily, but the garment should not unbutton on its own.

Their weight is of the order of 5 g.

Custon's contain small parts that can be swallowed accidentally: be careful, risk of suffocation. They are not toys. Do not leave them within the reach of young children.